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How To Be An AWS Alliance Lead

October 16, 2023
As a new Alliance Lead for an AWS partner, you're stepping into a role that bridges the gap between your company and...

A Meditation On Kubernetes

October 3, 2023
Dear Reader, Fair warning; there be nerd dragons ahead. I'm talking deeply nerdy musings on Kubernetes. Enter at your...

Testing The Right Offer

September 26, 2023
The Marketing Success Equation - The Right Offer In the last blog of this series, we talked about how the Marketing...

Growing Talent As A Trade

September 18, 2023
Be honest; did you roll your eyes when you read the title? After the initial fear of the covid pandemic and lockdowns...

OpenTF - WTF Does It All Mean

September 11, 2023
If your business has been using infrastructure as code solutions, you have either looked at or are a current user of...

The Marketing Success Equation

September 5, 2023
At its core, great marketing is very simple. It can be boiled down to this equation: The right message/offer to the...

Staffing Tetris

August 27, 2023
If you work in any sort of consulting, managed services, professional services, etc, there’s kinda no two ways about it...

Technical Interviewing

August 27, 2023
Technical interviewing isn’t easy. It’s not easy for the candidate, but it’s also not particularly easy for the...

Cloud Security Is Not A Panacea

August 27, 2023
The need for businesses to build quickly and operate at dynamic scales has lead to widespread cloud adoption across...

Cloud Network Security

August 22, 2023
There are numerous challenges that organizations face in ensuring network security. The increasing complexity of...